Exhibition at Ceramic Art London 2022

‘On Air’ is an exhibition and series of live events investigating the urgent topic of air pollution, staged during the Ceramic Art fair in April 2022 at Central Saint Martins’ public foyer, open to the general public at the entrance. Curated by Dutch design-studio Lab AIR and London artist Jo Pearl, the exhibition investigates the problem of air pollution using smog dust, clay, glaze, ceramics and clay stop-frame animation to make visible and tangible this invisible poison. ‘On Air’ aims to provoke discussion and debate – to be a call to action.

The exhibition featured work by five international and British artists: Kim Abeles’s challenging work allowing ambient particulate dust to fall on commemorative plates revealing portraits of world leaders and their pledges on air quality. The show also included work from glaze specialist Linda Bloomfield who has been representing lichen in glazes, as early-indicators of air pollution, Jasmine Pradissitto who sculpts in Noxtek, a ceramic geopolymer capable of absorbing nitrogen dioxide, Jo Pearl who combines ceramics with clay animation to bring the topic of gasping for breath to life and Smogware’s new London teacups coloured with smog-stained glazes.

On Air featured the Air Lab – a place for informal discussion where visitors can hear about how the work has been made, how the works and glazes can be ‘read’, with more information to inspire makers to get involved with an expanding international network of artists exploring the problem.

As a live events Smogware tea for two was served. Amongst others Rosamund Kissi Debrah and Harriet Wilson-Edwards, Head of Policy Asthma and Lung UK were invited to emphasise the urgency - and explain what can be done.

Photographers Henry Bloomfield and Lab AIR


Taste the Air


From Here